Monday, May 31, 2010


May reporting here, Tiffany forgot to log out. LOLOLOL!!
May is awesome, she's a-MAY-zing!! :3
because I'm a nice friend, I shall log out for her.
successfully hacked on 31/5/2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Before Bed

Before bed, I just wanna think of the ones that matter. The ones I love. To you guys that matter, thank you for making my night.

The night started with a phone call. A very simple phone call to ask Steve if he was in Murdoch. Sadly he wasn't. But it was because he wasn't there that I got talking to him. I just blabbed and blabbed, ignoring what he thought. It was just such an awesome feeling to call someone and chat without agenda. To be honest, I don't really remember what we chatted about and how we managed to chat for so long. Then I saw Abby's uncle and I decided to hang up and also so that I could find out where my ride was. So I say hi to Abby's uncle and then call Yohaan, only to find out he's just leaving home. I pause for a second and decide to call Steve again. He takes so long to pick up the phone second time round, I almost decide to hang up. Even before he can say anything, I tell him I'm bored and hint that he should talk to me and entertain me because that's what I always do for him. I remember asking him what he was doing and he replied, preparing dinner. I say to him, I'm going to ignore what you just said and be annoying and make you talk to me. And he's totally cool about it. Along the way, I hear sighs and I scold him for acting as though he doesn't want to talk to me. Eventually, I tell him he can go off and cook and that I'll talk to him later. But he doesn't yet put down. Moments later, Yohaan arrives and I get into the car. He asks why it's become noisy all of a sudden and I tell him it's cos I'm in the car. And he goes, OHHHHH!!!! Now I know why you said I could go cook. It was because you didn't need me. Needless to say, I react. I think our conversations don't make much sense to the people outside it, but thank you for your company today. You really made the start of my night awesome by setting the pace and standard of company required. I love you!!

The next person is Joel. He's my ___________. Has multiple personalities in my eyes and can fulfil multiple roles in my life. We're supposed to meet in Abby's room but we get there too late and they're already back in the library. Studying. Or so I think they are. I go there and I see Facebook (totally not surprising) on all of their computers. Joel's supposed to leave Uni by 8pm but we end up going for dinner instead and he later returns to Uni. He's really cuddly and huggable. I love hugging people and hugging him is like amazing and he smells nice too! I may sound like I'm a bit crazy but I'm not. When you get a chance to hug him, you will know what I mean about him being so lovely to hug. For all your lovely hugs darling, I love you!!

Following Joel is my lovely and dear younger sister May. She's just amazing. What else can I say? She always manages to put a smile on my face when I see her and I love that she loves me for who I am even though I hurt her many a times with my weird personality. She's just great to be around. She was trying to study today but I think I distracted her too much with my presence. We were standing in a circle chatting and when she sees us laughing, she decides to come over to join the gossip. Sadly, the gossip had just ended and we were in the midst of laughing, remembering little of the conversation that just passed by. This same incident happened a second time in the same night, it was just so cute! That cuteness just makes me wanna hug her and protect her like my little sister. But with all that love, comes the bit where I like making fun of my younger siblings and annoying me. But at the end of the day May, I love you!!

Abby is one helluva special chick. I meet her on the day we're due to tour the Cathedral. That was 10th April. Not even 2 months later, she's one person I think of and miss throughout the day. The other is Yohaan. Together us three have funny conversations. Funny only to ourselves though.. Quite like how I am with Steve. They've got my back I can tell. Abby's due to get the surprise I got from Yohaan yesterday. After we show her the surprise, she just laughs and then runs to the corner, sit-squats on the ground and laughs so much. Abby, I've so many funny stories with you, its just impossible to fit the all into this blog post. :) I could hug you all day Abby my love... I love you!!

And Yohaan. he picks me up from the train station. Later, Abby, Yohaan and I have some hilarious and amazing conversations. But to cut a long story short, Yohaan sends me home and he asks if I'm taking his jacket and I say ok but make sure you take my jumper then. He says okay... I'll wear your jumper until tomorrow and then when I see you we can exchange jumpers. Tomorrow?!?!? Are we meeting tomorrow Yohaan? He says I don't know. But on the spot, he comes up with a reason for us to see each other tomorrow. Yohaan, Yohaan, sometimes you say the cutest things... I will see you tomorrow. And it will be just because I miss you... And the hugs too! One day, I will call you at an ungodly hour because I will need you then. For all that, I love you!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do It

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
- Johann van Goethe-

Vocation, Discernment

So vocation don't apparently equal priesthood or religious life as I just found out. It's about 3 different possible paths in life. Religious life, marriage, and consecrated single. The concepts are not too difficult to grasp but the process of discerning which one your life is destined for is hard.

It's been ages since I last heard the word discernment being thrown at me. I was always told to discern in the past. I never gave it much thought. For each and every thing I used to do in YFC, my Kuyas, Ates, Titos & Titas would always remind me to discern and pray about it. i always thought that it was about pondering over what to do and then praying for the confidence and the humility to do the tasks of servants.

I've been triggered. I can wait I have to say. I'm fearful about what's in store for me. What if what's in store for me is not what I want? How am I going to reconcile the two? Past experiences tell me you cannot fight God. If you wanna do what you think is best for yourself, he will let you do it. But at the expense of him not being by your side.

I couldn't help but wish for more faith in my life and to be back doing what i was doing before in YFC. God was close. And I miss that closeness and my reliance on him.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Here It Is

I've just been given permission to play with someone's nails. Someone very unexpected. It's a guy. So yea... It is hell unexpected!

This guy, he don't usually let me do these kind of girly things with him. I was talking about a manicure while I was outside a manicure shop and I turn to him saying I'm gonna do your nails. And he looks at me and says OK! My jaws drop and then I smile and go Really?

I say to him, ok wait till after exams. And he's like why so long? And I say, well do you want me to do it during study break? He says why not. And I say AWESOME! Can't wait now!! Hell excited. :)

Point to note, I'm convinced of the vain side of guys. I mean some guys take hell long in the bathroom and hell long to get changed. Not just cos they want to look good, they also want to impress. But I say it's more than just about trying to impress the girls. They like being told they smell nice and feel nice. Like girls... :p

Anyway, posts are meant to be some sort of surprises. So I write when I'm alone and someone somewhere else sees it, and they read it, laugh, feel sad etc... I was really excited about this post as you should be able to tell by now and then I was hell embarrassed when the person I was writing about became the first person to read this post. Even without me posting it. He hijacked my comp and stole a long preview of it. :S But this has to go up so yea.. Here it is.

Clean Room :)

This post had an originally different take to it. I was posting cos I was bored with doing assignments and I really wanted to relive my amazing weekend. But cos I needed to finish my assignment, I quit writing halfway.

The weekend fun pretty much started on Thursday night after my presentation. I got home and saw all the apples on my table to make my favorite apple pikelets and make breakfast for a whole lot people. Spent 2.5 hours making them and managed to fill up a 2 liter ice-cream tub.

Then Friday was Choir, Saturday was church and Sunday Uni. Was supposed to get to Uni by 3pm but failed to leave the house on time cos of many contributing factors. Whatever it is, Jorine called for dinner and I rushed to Uni. Made it in by 6pm :) Only 3 hours late... (I feel bad. I'm seldom late.)

Well cos I was rushing, and after the sleepover the room was so messy, I had no choice but to shove everything on my bed, under the covers so the room wouldn't look that bad to Mom. Moms however do have an amazing ability to uncover secrets.

So I got home on Monday evening, walked into the room, looked at my bed and went OMG! My stuff!! My bed's all messed up and I see no clothes on it! Damnit! Gonna be in some deep shit. Then I look to the right and I see this pile of neatly folded clothes on the side table, and I notice my 'study table' has been moved, the wires in my room have been bundled up, and the room's been vacummed. When did this all happen?

After the initial shock, and after realizing I wasn't going to be given some long lecture on keeping my room clean, that smile appeared.

Am pretty sure I know who exactly is responsible for my room being so neat. Love you mommy!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Easter Break

A considerably long Easter break that started Wednesday 31st March 2010, 1pm and will end Tuesday 13th April 2010, 2pm. I just realized that it's almost 2 weeks long!! Excellent.

Truly was a great Easter break with all the silliness especially with the CV Crew... People who live in Canning Vale group together because all other people live too far away... But I really really had an awesome time with EVERYONE!

So here's what I did
- achieved freedom!!! temporary freedom that is
- woke up to an April's Fool joke which I didn't understand till later in the day.
- went to church 4 times in 3 consecutive days
- dressed up for church
- ate easter eggs!
- made tiramisu
- baked creme patisserie tart
- make a cream tart for patrick's birthday
- had steamboat!
- celebrated patrick's birthday
- helped with the JPYM board
- visited Yanchep
- saw koalas
- played cricket
- celebrated Easter
- sent Jojo off to Hong Kong, Sweden & Finland
- attempted to play Canon in D
- attempted to play the Sugar Plum Fairy too!
- did IA assignment
- ate at Little Caesars
- taught my friend to play mahjong!
- played mahjong
- shared a Macca's dinner box
- bought easter eggs
- watched Clash of the Titans
- watched How to Train Your Dragon <3
- visited St. Mary's Cathedral
- had BBQ meatlovers pizza without any BBQ sauce
- had an awesome BBQ meatlovers pizza with tomato sauce, garlic and chilli flakes. Yuumm!
- had fries and nuggets in Murdoch Village
- set foot on Murdoch Uni campus for the first time!
- learnt about smoking shisha.. :p
- played games with Blast
- visited the Fernandezs
- had cheap chicken rice. Nice too :)
- had steak for dinner
- ate chilli mussels
- had a DnM conversation with _____.
- went to Kalamunda
- bought soap for my 2 silly flies to help them chase the cockroaches away (It's still with me :p)
- visited the Lesmurdie falls which were rather dry... :S
- a whole lot of other things which now slip my mind...

Chelsea won the match against Manchester United. But it don't bother me. In any case, I had a very very very wonderful break. Loads of time with the CV Crew of which, 60% are from my house... Lol... I just wished I had more time with the flies...

The one thing I've learnt through out this break is that it is so easy to put a smile on another person's face. When you do it not expecting anything in return, that smile that you see from them, will put another smile on your face too.

In case your wondering what I'm posting this so randomly, it's cos I failed to post it after I wrote it. :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do You

Ooohhh, do you
Ooh babe I’m watching you babe
When you’re in the mirror
And baby I love the faces you make can be any clearer

We can be working all through the night
Put it in overtime and you know
Exactly what I need
So tired of music that,
I wanna hit the sounds of us alone
It’s only me and you

Don’t stop doing what you do
Keep doing what you do do do you do you
Do you like the way I’m doing you
When I do you you you do you do you do you
Do you like the way that I put it down on you
It’s only me and you
Do you like the way that I put it down on you
Do you do you do you

Do you intoxicate me and I get a rush from you ( do you do you)
Oh it’s running through my veins
Can you feel it in the same kinda places

We can be working all through the night
Put it in overtime and you know
Exactly what I need
So tired of music that,
I wanna hit the sounds of us alone
It’s only me and you

It’s only me and you
Do you like the way that I put it down on you
Do you do you do you

Don’t stop doing what you do
Keep doing what you do do do you do you
Do you like the way I’m doing you
When I do you you you do you do you do you
Do you like the way that I put it down on you
It’s only me and you
Do you like the way that I put it down on you
Do you do you do you

Do you like if I take my time and do this right
Do you know how I feel inside I’ll show you tonight
It’s getting closer, closer, closer
So don’t stop doing what you do

Don’t stop doing what you do
Keep doing what you do do do you do you
Do you like the way I’m doing you
When I do you you you do you do you do you

-Jay Sean-

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


It doesn't take a lot to put a smile on my face. Really. I sometimes think I expect to little, of myself and of the world. But I guess these little things are what you would call simple joys. Simple joys that never fail to put a smile on your face.

I love being able to wake up next to my friends, to see the faces of the ones I love first thing when I wake up. Waking up next to friends, seeing their sleepy faces, smiling and thinking of what tricks to play on them to get them up, these are the simple joys of sleepovers. Of course the other joy of sleepovers is talking through the night.

I love sleepovers! Especially the kind that do not involve work. Sleepovers are too a learning experience. You learn more about your friends through those DnM conversations. But most importantly, you learn more about yourself. A side of yourself that can be discovered only through sleepovers...

I learnt something really interesting from my last sleepover. According to a certain someone, I bit his arm in my sleep. Don't know how that happened but it apparently did but I was sleeping on his arm, after which I proceeded to bite him. Probably cos I was hungry. :D

Here's what I've learnt about myself from sleepovers.
1. I move a lot when I sleep.
2. I sleep really soundly and thus don't hear alarms.
3. I steal blankets.
4. I kick in my sleep.
5. I snore in my sleep.
6. I don't snore when I sleep.
7. I grind my teeth when I sleep.
8. I talk in my sleep, commenting on stuff that's happening around me.
9. I wake up to not just my phone, but all phones.

Thanks for the lessons guys... But most importantly, thanks for the sleepovers. Of all sorts. :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day!!! A special shout out to all the moms I know out there and also to all those who been like mom's to me... Thank you for all your love, patience, guidance and grace. Most importantly, thank you for being there for me!

So here the list goes...

mom, godmas, aunties, CFC & YFC moms, ates, titas, family friends, JPYM moms, neighbors, moms of friends, moms-to-be, VC moms, and a whole lot of moms... i would love to list each and everyone of your names down but there are so many, i just can't keep track.

Truly a sign of God's abundant blessings on me.. Thank you for the love of mothers.

A toast to all moms! Cheers.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Oh myy gosh

Baby let me…

I did it again, so I’m gone let the beat drop
Oh myy gosh

Baby let me love you downnn
There’s so many ways to love ya
Baby I can break you downnn
There’s so many ways to love ya
Got me like, ooh myy gosh I’m soo in love
I found you finallyy, you make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Ohh myy gosh

You make me want to say

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

I fell in love with shawty when I seen her on the dance floor
She was dancing sexy, pop, pop, popping, dropping, dropping low
Never ever has a lady hit me on the first sight
This was something special; this was just like dynamite
Honey got a booty like pow, pow, pow
Honey got some boobies like wow, oh wow
Girl you know I’m loving your, loving your style
Check, check, check, check, check, checking you out like,
Ooh (oooh) she got it allll
Sexy from her head to the toes
And I want it all, it all, it all

Baby let me love you downnn
There’s so many ways to love ya
Baby I can break you downnn
There’s so many ways to love ya
Got me like, ooh myy gosh I’m soo in love
I found you finallyy, it make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Ohh myy gosh

You make me want to say
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Feel so hot for honey out of all the girls up in this club
This one got me whipped, just off one look, yep I fell in love
This one something special, this one just like dynamite,
out of sight
Fell in love with honey like my, oh my
Honey looking wonderful; fly, so fly
Honey like a supermodel; my, oh my
Baby how you do that, make a grown man cry?
Ooh (oooh) baby, you got it alll
Sexy from her head to the toes
And I want it all, it all, it all

So, honey let me love you downnn
There’s so many ways to love ya
Baby I can break it downnn
There’s so many ways to love ya
Got me like, ooh myy gosh I’m soo in love I found you finallyy,
You make me want to say…
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,

Oh my gosh

Oh my gosh
oh my
oh my
oh, oh my gosh
oh myy gosh

Oh myy gosh
I did it again
So I’m gone let the beat drop

Oh, oh, oh myy
Oh, oh, oh my, my, my, my, my, my
Ooh my gosh oh, oh

-Usher feat Will.I.Am-

Monday, May 3, 2010

Maybe Tomorrow

Cant believe its over

That you're leaving

Weren't we meant to be?

Should've sensed the danger

Read the warnings

Right there in front of me

Just stop

Lets start it over

Couldn't I get one more try?

Maybe tomorrow you'll say that you're mine

You'll realize, I could change

I'm gonna show you I'm in it for life

I'll get you back someday

Maybe tomorrow

I forgot to be there

I was selfish

I can see that now

I should've got to know you

Should've held you

When your tears fell down

Just stop

Don't make me beg you

Tell me that you'll stay the night

Maybe tomorrow you'll say that you're mine

You'll realize, I could change

I'm gonna show you I'm in it for life

I'll get you back someday

I will find a way

Wait a minute

Just hear me out

This time I promise, I'll put you first

Turn around now

Your heart can't let you walk away

I'll do what it takes

Maybe tomorrow you'll say that you're mine

You'll realize (realize), I could change (I can change)

I'm gonna show you I'm in it for life

I'll get you back someday

Maybe tomorrow

There's so much I wanna say now

I just wanna make a life with you (don't walk away)

There's so much I wanna do now

I just wanna make love to you

Maybe tomorrow


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Why Cry

I see a face in the mirror that I just don’t like
But I gotta keep telling myself that it’s alright
Cuz now I know that there’s no sense in me cryin cuz momma said I’m not like you
Used to hurt when people said that I talk like him
My pace and my so I don’t talk like him
I don’t know what I found inside of me
But it’s got me over you

Why cry
Not a single letter or a single call from you
Why cry
I’m a stronger man now and it’s all because of you
Why cry
Cuz I can’t wait on you no more
I made it here without you
So tell me why should I cry

Momma was the one who taught me how to ride my bike
And she was the one who taught me how to stand and fight
Momma was there for me
Momma was my everything
When my first day of school would start, where were you
And when I first had a broken heart, where were you
Those were the times I most needed you
But that’s what got me through
I’m so over you

Why cry
Not a single letter or a single call from you
Why cry
I’m a stronger man now and it’s all because of you
Why cry
Cuz I can’t wait on you no more
I made it here without you
So tell me why should I cry

I know it’s hard and we’re bound to make mistakes
But if there’s anything I’ve learned from you
It’s not to run away (run away)
Through all the clouds and tribulations in my life
I won’t cry, I won’t cry, I won’t cry (won’t cry)

I see a face in the mirror that I just don’t like
But I gotta keep telling myself that it’s alright
Cuz now I know that there’s no sense in me cryin cuz momma said I’m not like you
Used to hurt when people said that I talk like him
With my pace and my shirt so I don’t talk like him
I don’t know what I found inside of me
But it’s got me over you

Why cry
Not a single letter or a single call from you
Why cry
I’m a stronger man now and it’s all because of you
Why cry
Cuz I can’t wait on you no more
I made it here without you
So tell me why should I cry

Momma was the one who taught me how to ride my bike
And she was the one who taught me how to stand and fight
Momma was there for me
Momma was my everything
When my first day of school would start, where were you
And when I first had a broken heart, where were you
Those were the times I most need you
But that’s what got me through
I’m so over you

Why cry
Not a single letter or a single call from you
Why cry
I’m a stronger man now and it’s all because of you
Why cry
Cuz I can’t wait on you no more
I made it here without you
So tell me why should I cry

I know it’s hard and we’re bound to make mistakes
But if there’s anything I’ve learned from you
It’s not to run away (run away)
Through all the clouds and tribulations in my life
I won’t cry, I won’t cry, I won’t cry (won’t cry)

Why cry
Not a single letter or a single call from you
Why cry
I’m a stronger man now and it’s all because of you
Why cry
Cuz I can’t wait on you no more
I made it here without you
So tell me why should I cry

Why cry
Not a single letter or a single call from you
Why cry
I’m a stronger man now and it’s all because of you
Why cry
Cuz I can’t wait on you no more
I made it here without you
So tell me why should I cry
So tell me why should I cry
So tell me why should I cry

-Jay Sean-