Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September Birthday Week :)

Whirlwind of birthdays!!! Loving it...

Birthdays are such wonderful times of the year. The cake, the party, the balloons, the food, the everything! All good. It's the one day I'm excused from housework. Of most sorts.

A special shout out to all the family celebrating their birthday! Love you guys loads!!

17th Sep - Glen
18th Sep - Amma
20th Sep - Joel
22nd Sep - Matt
23rd Sep - Hun Hao

Today, it's Matt's turn to be excused. And thanks to Matt, we have 3 yum meals! Afternoon tea, prawn noodles tonight and crabs on Saturday! Wheeeeeeeee!!! Love you Matt!

Been such a busy week, celebrating birthdays and saying goodbyes that all started on Saturday. Rushed to the hotel to send Jorine's family back to Singapore. I too heard about that Busselton adventure I wish I was on, celebrating Amma's birthday. Monday and yesterday was dinner with Joel. Tonight is dinner home. Sent Jorine off at the airport last night... It really is a busy week and I'm wondering where I'm finding the time to study. Mid-semester on Thursday. Ewwww... And Hun Hao's suprise birthday tonight. (I'm sure he won't read this before tonight. ;) )

Anyways, Happy Birthday to all my lovely people! Especially my best brother Matt :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Way We Were

Like the corners of my mind
Misty watercolor memories
Of the way we were

Scattered pictures
Of the smiles we left behind
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were

Can it be that it was all so simple then
Or has time rewritten every line
If we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me
Would we?
Could we?

May be beautiful and yet
What’s too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget

So it is the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember
The way we were

So it is the laughter
We will remember
Whenever we remember
The way we were

-Barbara Streisand-

ps. When I heard this, a flood of memories hit me... I miss you, you & you.... And all I wanna do is go back to the way we were...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday Night

I really should have taken a picture of us on Monday night. Thank you for an awesome 3.5 hours(?) Interestingly enough, we're both from Singapore but met in Perth and this picture was taken in Singapore. :) Love you dearie... Mwah

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Four Love Notes

7th September 2010

To precious moments present, to precious moments past, to precious moments yet to come and a love that will always last.

Dear Mom & Dad

Happy 25th Anniversary! It hasn't always been a smooth path but you've made it this far and I'm so happy that you have been blessed with the opportunity to celebrate 25 years of love... May the Lord continue to bless each and every day of your marriage and may His love rain down on you always and may He look upon you with favor all the days of your life. As you walk through His plans for you, thank you for being my awesome parents. Though we fight and disagree, at the end of the day, I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for everything. Love you both lots and I wish you all the best in God's blessing for you both.

Love always San

Dear Uncle Edman & Auntie Radha

Happy 25th Anniversary to you too! May the Lord continue to bless your marriage as you journey on in life as a couple. Thank you for being another inspiration to me :) Thank you also for always welcoming me to you house ;)

Love always Tiffany :)

Dear Mommy/Polar Bear/Gorgeous/Outrageous

40 days of dessert huh... I am glad to see that you've eliminated that annoying phrase "last message to you" at the end of the messages you've been sending to me over the past 40 days. It was truly a very very challenging experience with everything that was happening alongside with it. I've missed you. So, where do I begin updating you about the last 40 days of my life? Hmm... Let's begin with how I will miss sneaking into your room and how I will miss writing secret admirer notes to you. But I am glad this sneaky business is a thing of the past. I don't' like shadow business. I'm a proper kid. Honest, upright, blah blah... Can't wait to see you! Btw, you owe me lots of stories and I wanna HUG!

Love Miffany

Dear Another You

I've decided to ignore your special request and you hence get a love note. I wish you all the best for tomorrow. You know what I'm talking about. Tomorrow 12pm is an important time for you. Just do your best and God will do the rest! In whatever you do, you can always count on me to be there for you! Lots of good luck to you! Break a leg!

Love Me :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dear You

Twenty years from now, you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowline, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain

So says Mr. Twain that the opportunities that we let go are the ones that will haunt us more than the ones we screw up. Good to know that because at present, I do regret something I've done.

Somewhere in the back of my head I knew you'd be hurt by what I would have to say to you. But a little bit to the left of that back bit of my head, was the part that thought you wouldn't take to heart what I said to you. It seems to be that what hurt you wasn't the incident but was rather me. :( That, actually, is something I never intended to do. To hurt you was never my intention. I apologize for my lack of thoughtfulness, my lack of sensitivity, and I apologize for thinking you're a superhero that's unfazed by my thoughts to you. I know I have hurt you more than once. Unnecessarily.

I usually keep to myself, sharing neither thoughts, troubles, ideas, etc. You somehow bring out that side of me. You bring out a me that's expressive, bold, direct and sometimes insensitive. Perhaps he was right and that we are too close. Perhaps he's also right, that those conversations had a motive behind them. Perhaps he's right about everything. Maybe I really do.

But what's been said cannot been undone. I would love to take back what I said. I would choose not to tell you about all that. It's true I lay in bed and worried about you till I fell asleep. It's true I lay in bed and thought about what I should have instead said to you. You evidently haven't left my mind. I didn't think that your response to me would have such a great impact on me. I never thought when I told you about everything, that this would be your reaction. I never thought that I'd be the one to hurt you. Can I say anything else but "Sorry"? I don't even think that's something you wanna hear from me. Perhaps I should stop talking to you. That way, I wouldn't find myself in so much trouble.

I always say I love you. Do I really? If I did, why would something like this happen? I wanna call you and find out if you're really okay but I think the last person you'd want to hear from right now is me. And I don't wish to ruin your night out so I think I'll just talk to you later.

I'll say that my thoughts were not always for you. Perhaps if I had started out with all of my thoughts being for you, things would have turned out differently.

Friday, September 3, 2010


You can say love's forever

And find it never stays

In you I've recovered

The one thing that must remain

I'm tired of a world undone

I've figured out you're my setting sun

It's cruel

The way I'm needing you

I guess I'll play the fool

It's my heart, not my mind and it's taking over


Suddenly it's true

No longer can I choose

It's in you I'm defined and there is no other

Oh it's Cruel

Oh it's Cruel

I can hold back emotions

Get lost in a maze

But this urgency tells me

I just can't refrain

Dreams have come and passed me by

But now it's time to redefine

It's cruel

The way I'm needing you

I guess I'll play the fool

It's my heart, not my mind and it's taking over


Suddenly it's true

No longer can I choose

It's in you I'm defined and there is no other

I've seen it come and go so many times

But this is critical, the truth

I can't hide

(Can't hide)

And I don't know why

(And I don't know why, I don't know why)

Yeah, oh yeah

(So cruel)

So cruel, oh

It's cruel the way I'm loving you, oh yeah

(So cruel)

Cruel the way I'm loving you

It's cruel

The way I'm needing you

I guess I'll play the fool

(It's cruel the way I'm loving you)

(Baby now I know it's true)

It's my heart, not my mind and it's taking over


Suddenly it's true

No longer can I choose

It's in you I'm defined and there is no other

-Human Nature-

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Change = Shit?

Change, just like shit, happens.

It seems as though no matter how prepared I am for change, I take ages to get used to it. Change in relationships affects me pretty bad.

I miss the good times of having friends in my lectures, tutes, Uni. I miss meeting up with friends for Uni. Though I procrastinate going for lectures, I actually miss going to Uni. Friends can really mean everything. Jorine especially, my best friend at Uni. This is one girl I never expected would make such an impact on my Uni life. Uni is truly different without her. Expectedly, I miss her now that she's gone. But no worries. 8 more days and she should be back. :D Something to look forward to.

I miss my other best friends too. Brenda, Kim, Yo... Joel!!!

Oddly, I miss Singapore too. Moving away from there and to a new country was exciting. Now that I've settled in, I'm comfortable and happy. I wouldn't wanna move back to Singapore forever, but I would like to go back. At least for awhile. Truthfully, I think I miss Singapore because it has Universal Studios. I'm a sucker for theme parks. I love roller coasters. I love going on rides. I am a kid in that way :)

What Happened to Coincidence?

Sometimes reality can be too bitter a pill to take. More often that not, with the unpleasant things I come across in life, I like to hide them. I like to ignore them, keep them to myself and shove them into a far corner of my heart/brain until such time when I cannot take the pressure and the build up inside me and I just explode.

I wonder if this what people think of me when I rant to them about the problems I have. I tend to keep to myself a lot until such time when I find myself incapable of managing on my own and out comes everything like volcano lava. Hot, angry, teary.

Is there really no reason to stay angry at someone? Is there really no reason not to trust someone? Is there really a reason for everything that happens? What happened to coincidence?