Thursday, December 29, 2011

One for You

Until we lose what we treasure, it is often quite hard for us to truly understand how much we treasure that particular thing. That particular thing this year happens to be you. I've never dedicated anything to you and I wonder if you'll ever read this but here goes, my thank you/love note to you.

You mean heaps much to me. More than I actually expected. We had a lousy goodbye when you left and I'm kinda bummed about it. After you left, I sometimes wondered if I would ever see you again. What if that was the last time I ever saw you and the last thing I said to you was I've gotta go cos I'm rushing for time. I'm glad I was able to give you a nice surprise though you did surprise me as well, unintentionally of course. I'm glad I got to spend those 2 days with you. When I next said goodbye to you, I honestly couldn't stop crying. In fact, I was crying even before I said goodbye to you. I cried when you said you wouldn't hug me and I cried again when you really didn't hug me. I cried again when you told me to go. I was sitting on the train, trying to control my tears. I did feel quite silly at times but I couldn't help it. The tears wouldn't stop flowing. When I finally managed to control myself, you called and asked me to turn back to say goodbye to you again. I told you that I was fine but the tears started again. 

I hope you're doing well in life and I hope you know that I'm always behind you even if you sometimes choose to do silly things that I disagree with. I don't know when I'll next see you but whenever it's possible we'll still talk on the phone. Time will fly by quite quickly and before you know it, I'll be picking you up from the airport and I'll get that hug that you owe me!