Thursday, August 19, 2010


I did think of having a blog some time before this but could never think of a name or the inspiration to write. This blog was created by 2 friends and the name inspired by someone who plays a rather annoying yet fun part in my life.

To the person who inspired the blog name, this post I dedicate to you. (And write only when you are in the comforts of your bed so you cannot spy on me) :)

So you've found out the existence of this blog. I have for the longest time been resisting telling you about it because of its name. You know I usually don't keep you in horrible suspense but this was just one of those times when it was necessary. Your reaction when you found out just confirmed that I should have continued keeping mum about this. Gosh. The things you force out of me just by being you. Ewww....

So anyways, I said that I would one day blog about how annoying you are. But for starters, I think I'll be nice. Simply because its more my natural nature to be nice. :)

So here goes...
Don't worry too much about feeling ignorant about my feelings and about me. You are bad but fear not, there is always room for improvement. I've had heaps of fun times with you and I love how you are able to cheer me up when I'm down. Thank you for being there when I needed someone to talk to today. I had a lot of other stuff in my head, that I was gonna write about. But now that I've reached this part, I can't seem to remember what I wanted to write. Anyways, just be happy with this. You're special to me and I really do treasure you. I may seem to be flighty, hopping from one friend to another but don't worry. I'll always remember you :) It also means, you cannot fulfil your wildest dreams of getting rid of me cos I'll always come back to you.

Love you, bye!

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