Sunday, July 25, 2010

Not Finding the Right Words

It's hard the leave behind the people that have been such a big part of your life. It's hard to leave not knowing when you'll ever be back. It's just as hard to leave something that you've put so much effort and love into. It gets even harder when you're forced to leave. It's almost insane.

As hard as it is for you to leave, it's just as hard for me to be left behind and it's hard to accept why. Know that I miss you and am always looking forward to you being back.

I've always believed that should one door close on you, another will open for you elsewhere. In the meanwhile, I wish you all the best in whatever you're called to be doing. I can't wait for you to be back. Really I do.

Goodbyes are hard to deal with. Hopefully, this is no more than a temporary goodbye. And make that a short one too.

Miss you, love you, praying for you and am always no more than a phone call away. And you know where I live if you ever need me. :)

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