Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A New Beginning

I am turning out to be a useful person, a significant contributor to the Australian Taxation Office, a booster of the Australian economy and a credit to Australian society.

I've just finished Week 1 as a working person, officially celebrated my first weekend as a working person by waking up and rushing to a lunch with friends on Saturday morning, and sleeping till the afternoon on Sunday. What a lovely celebration! I am definitely looking forward to Week 2 - Pay Week :D

Whatever it is, I'm really happy that I've landed myself a permanent full-time job :) 98% credit goes to Ate Lynn who was extremely essential in helping me secure this position. This job is definitely another blessing from God who has placed people in my life to help me get along with life.

While I dislike having only a 30 minute lunch break, working from 9am - 6pm, I'm really happy that I was offered the later shift because I am terrible at waking up in the morning. To add to my joy, I have my own office!!! Whoo hoo!!! And I work in a place that has its own cafe that sells good coffee, and cheap and good food and dessert.

It most definitely was the hardest thing to job hunt. Much harder than studying. I'd rather do a Math unit than job hunt (and I suck at Math). To all those out there who are still looking for a job, best of luck! It isn't easy but I hope you can keep up your efforts and be rewarded real soon.

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