Monday, July 11, 2011

The Small Talk

Living in Australia has been somewhat fascinating, when it comes to conversations with strangers. My one very memorable encounter was with a guy on the 75 going to work. He wanted to know what time the bus would be arriving and from there we got talking about public transport efficiency and convenience. He told me about the times before the Mandurah line and how people had to catch a bus to the city. I told him I couldn't imagine not having the train. We got talking about Singapore's public transport, then to travel and etc. The bus came and it was just us two and the driver on the bus. He asked if he could sit next to me. I said sure and we continued our conversation of small talk.

My boss has been training me in this relationship building "small" talk. It really isn't easy but he tells me that it is very important because while it may seem like small talk at first, it really is you getting to know the other person. The conversation that you have that allows you to know the person on a more personal level and when you have that something personal to remember them by, you make the other person feel that you care. And while it may seem like small to you, it isn't small talk to the other person. They are sharing your life with you he tells me and it is a big thing because they are trusting you enough to open up to you.

It's most common to chat with the guy sitting next to you on the bus. While I'm comfortable doing that on some occasions and making polite conversation 90% of the time, I find small talk somewhat difficult to conduct. I like connecting with you on a deeper and more personal level that sometimes I forget it isn't the norm for everyone. When I get comfortable with you, I like to be personal with you and I hope too that you would be the same. That we'd get to know each other over sharing our lives. When it comes to complete strangers, I find it hard to so sincerely want to know everyone. When someone intrigues me, I'm great! I keep talking to you, asking you questions and getting to know you. But when it comes to having to engage EVERYONE, I go into shy mode.

Fingers crossed I get the hang of this relationship building small talk. After two months of small talk with Michael, I finally bonded with him and felt comfortable with him today. I hope to be a natural at it. People who are great at the small talk are really nice to talk to. They are great conversationalists and it really is a lot of fun talking to them.

Relationship building small talk quite effectively summarizes my first two weeks at work, especially in getting to know my colleagues, meeting people and potentials. From here on, it is on to bedtime to energize myself to be able to master the art of the small talk.

Good night :)

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