Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Biffley Calls

It's been a sad and lonely Monday...

I've come to terms with the fact that you're now gone. I'm sad to no longer have you by my side but to know that though the walking distance to your house is greater, you're still only a call and text away, and that is enough to make me stop crying.

You have no idea how much those 2 phone calls made me smile. I really had no idea that it was you the first time and when I heard your voice, I felt a rush thru me. . It's so different from when we Skyped earlier. That Skype thing made me cry so much.... :(

So I lied when you called. I was tired from a whole day of feeling sad, crying and writing and I'd just emailed you heaps of stuff. Then Abby and I were both talking and wondering whether you had arrived yet and how you were, etc... but she had to sleep so I too decided to get some sleep but was finding it hard to sleep. I was almost asleep and then I heard the phone ring and I picked it up sleepily. And then I heard your voice and I wanted to talk to you. And it was all I needed to stay awake. Actually no. It was all I needed to hear to have a good night's sleep. Cos after you put down, I slept smiling. And then you called a second time. This time round, it was different. I picked up the call in my sleep knowing that it was you calling. It was like our late night chats all over again... It was like good nights all over again. I was so awake after the call.

I miss all our good times and silliness together, and simply just being Abby, Tiffy & Yohaan. :)

You irritating lahhh... Why you have to go??? But you promised to talk to me everyday :) And if you don't, I can _ _ _ _ you for each day that you don't. :D I miss you heaps... And I look forward to seeing you again. Whenever that may be.

Meanwhile, you take care and remember that I love you :)


  1. Reading this post of yours is making me miss my best friends who are far far away from me too :( let's cry together :*(

  2. chenyi!!! u definitely know how i feel! at least ur best friends are coming back soon :)

    my mom thought i was going mad when i was crying. she's like u miss him awww.. after awhile she's like u miss him urrghhh... :p oooppps
