Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September Birthday Week :)

Whirlwind of birthdays!!! Loving it...

Birthdays are such wonderful times of the year. The cake, the party, the balloons, the food, the everything! All good. It's the one day I'm excused from housework. Of most sorts.

A special shout out to all the family celebrating their birthday! Love you guys loads!!

17th Sep - Glen
18th Sep - Amma
20th Sep - Joel
22nd Sep - Matt
23rd Sep - Hun Hao

Today, it's Matt's turn to be excused. And thanks to Matt, we have 3 yum meals! Afternoon tea, prawn noodles tonight and crabs on Saturday! Wheeeeeeeee!!! Love you Matt!

Been such a busy week, celebrating birthdays and saying goodbyes that all started on Saturday. Rushed to the hotel to send Jorine's family back to Singapore. I too heard about that Busselton adventure I wish I was on, celebrating Amma's birthday. Monday and yesterday was dinner with Joel. Tonight is dinner home. Sent Jorine off at the airport last night... It really is a busy week and I'm wondering where I'm finding the time to study. Mid-semester on Thursday. Ewwww... And Hun Hao's suprise birthday tonight. (I'm sure he won't read this before tonight. ;) )

Anyways, Happy Birthday to all my lovely people! Especially my best brother Matt :)

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