Monday, March 14, 2011

For A Better World

You cannot help but wonder what's with all the natural disasters around the world. Just the other day, the entire Pacific region received a tsunami warning. I remember 2004 was the first time I'd heard of a tsunami. I watched the waves on television in shock, horror and awe.

This time round, I listen with pain to the various news of disasters affecting the global world in my safe haven of Western Australia. I think I am truly blessed that the area in which I'm living in has not devastation.

I remember receiving a cyclone warning while I was away from my family. I awaited the cyclone with excitement actually. To my slight disappointment, the cyclone left Perth as it was. Then I awaited the hailstorm, hoping for a little excitement. I think looking back to the hailstorm previously, how I worried for my friends, anxiously trying to reach people to find out if they were okay, maybe what I'm looking forward to is not a natural disaster but to once again feel that love and care that radiated from everyone. The commitment and the steadfastness, the unity to help the less fortunate.

Perhaps this is what the disasters are all about - the floods, the cyclones, the earthquakes, the bushfires, the tsunamis, the disasters in the Pacific region amid all the political unrests in the Middle East - it's about once again getting us to care about people. To care about more than our own advances.

To remember that we cannot actually control what happens. Look at Japan, they'd received their tsunami warning but there was nothing they could do to stop the tsunami. They too knew that anytime, their nuclear plants would just blow. I believe God, and your God if you do not believe in my God, is telling that He alone has power over us and if we do not stop, repent and change our sinful ways, there will be no need for us to do anything more. The world will come to an end.

I pray to find it my heart, strength, determination, courage and faith to resist temptation and change my ways for the Lord. I pray for you that you continue to stay on the path of righteousness. For us as a world, I pray that this adversity unites and makes us better people.

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