Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Before Bed

Before bed, I just wanna think of the ones that matter. The ones I love. To you guys that matter, thank you for making my night.

The night started with a phone call. A very simple phone call to ask Steve if he was in Murdoch. Sadly he wasn't. But it was because he wasn't there that I got talking to him. I just blabbed and blabbed, ignoring what he thought. It was just such an awesome feeling to call someone and chat without agenda. To be honest, I don't really remember what we chatted about and how we managed to chat for so long. Then I saw Abby's uncle and I decided to hang up and also so that I could find out where my ride was. So I say hi to Abby's uncle and then call Yohaan, only to find out he's just leaving home. I pause for a second and decide to call Steve again. He takes so long to pick up the phone second time round, I almost decide to hang up. Even before he can say anything, I tell him I'm bored and hint that he should talk to me and entertain me because that's what I always do for him. I remember asking him what he was doing and he replied, preparing dinner. I say to him, I'm going to ignore what you just said and be annoying and make you talk to me. And he's totally cool about it. Along the way, I hear sighs and I scold him for acting as though he doesn't want to talk to me. Eventually, I tell him he can go off and cook and that I'll talk to him later. But he doesn't yet put down. Moments later, Yohaan arrives and I get into the car. He asks why it's become noisy all of a sudden and I tell him it's cos I'm in the car. And he goes, OHHHHH!!!! Now I know why you said I could go cook. It was because you didn't need me. Needless to say, I react. I think our conversations don't make much sense to the people outside it, but thank you for your company today. You really made the start of my night awesome by setting the pace and standard of company required. I love you!!

The next person is Joel. He's my ___________. Has multiple personalities in my eyes and can fulfil multiple roles in my life. We're supposed to meet in Abby's room but we get there too late and they're already back in the library. Studying. Or so I think they are. I go there and I see Facebook (totally not surprising) on all of their computers. Joel's supposed to leave Uni by 8pm but we end up going for dinner instead and he later returns to Uni. He's really cuddly and huggable. I love hugging people and hugging him is like amazing and he smells nice too! I may sound like I'm a bit crazy but I'm not. When you get a chance to hug him, you will know what I mean about him being so lovely to hug. For all your lovely hugs darling, I love you!!

Following Joel is my lovely and dear younger sister May. She's just amazing. What else can I say? She always manages to put a smile on my face when I see her and I love that she loves me for who I am even though I hurt her many a times with my weird personality. She's just great to be around. She was trying to study today but I think I distracted her too much with my presence. We were standing in a circle chatting and when she sees us laughing, she decides to come over to join the gossip. Sadly, the gossip had just ended and we were in the midst of laughing, remembering little of the conversation that just passed by. This same incident happened a second time in the same night, it was just so cute! That cuteness just makes me wanna hug her and protect her like my little sister. But with all that love, comes the bit where I like making fun of my younger siblings and annoying me. But at the end of the day May, I love you!!

Abby is one helluva special chick. I meet her on the day we're due to tour the Cathedral. That was 10th April. Not even 2 months later, she's one person I think of and miss throughout the day. The other is Yohaan. Together us three have funny conversations. Funny only to ourselves though.. Quite like how I am with Steve. They've got my back I can tell. Abby's due to get the surprise I got from Yohaan yesterday. After we show her the surprise, she just laughs and then runs to the corner, sit-squats on the ground and laughs so much. Abby, I've so many funny stories with you, its just impossible to fit the all into this blog post. :) I could hug you all day Abby my love... I love you!!

And Yohaan. he picks me up from the train station. Later, Abby, Yohaan and I have some hilarious and amazing conversations. But to cut a long story short, Yohaan sends me home and he asks if I'm taking his jacket and I say ok but make sure you take my jumper then. He says okay... I'll wear your jumper until tomorrow and then when I see you we can exchange jumpers. Tomorrow?!?!? Are we meeting tomorrow Yohaan? He says I don't know. But on the spot, he comes up with a reason for us to see each other tomorrow. Yohaan, Yohaan, sometimes you say the cutest things... I will see you tomorrow. And it will be just because I miss you... And the hugs too! One day, I will call you at an ungodly hour because I will need you then. For all that, I love you!!

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