Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Here It Is

I've just been given permission to play with someone's nails. Someone very unexpected. It's a guy. So yea... It is hell unexpected!

This guy, he don't usually let me do these kind of girly things with him. I was talking about a manicure while I was outside a manicure shop and I turn to him saying I'm gonna do your nails. And he looks at me and says OK! My jaws drop and then I smile and go Really?

I say to him, ok wait till after exams. And he's like why so long? And I say, well do you want me to do it during study break? He says why not. And I say AWESOME! Can't wait now!! Hell excited. :)

Point to note, I'm convinced of the vain side of guys. I mean some guys take hell long in the bathroom and hell long to get changed. Not just cos they want to look good, they also want to impress. But I say it's more than just about trying to impress the girls. They like being told they smell nice and feel nice. Like girls... :p

Anyway, posts are meant to be some sort of surprises. So I write when I'm alone and someone somewhere else sees it, and they read it, laugh, feel sad etc... I was really excited about this post as you should be able to tell by now and then I was hell embarrassed when the person I was writing about became the first person to read this post. Even without me posting it. He hijacked my comp and stole a long preview of it. :S But this has to go up so yea.. Here it is.

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