Monday, May 17, 2010

Easter Break

A considerably long Easter break that started Wednesday 31st March 2010, 1pm and will end Tuesday 13th April 2010, 2pm. I just realized that it's almost 2 weeks long!! Excellent.

Truly was a great Easter break with all the silliness especially with the CV Crew... People who live in Canning Vale group together because all other people live too far away... But I really really had an awesome time with EVERYONE!

So here's what I did
- achieved freedom!!! temporary freedom that is
- woke up to an April's Fool joke which I didn't understand till later in the day.
- went to church 4 times in 3 consecutive days
- dressed up for church
- ate easter eggs!
- made tiramisu
- baked creme patisserie tart
- make a cream tart for patrick's birthday
- had steamboat!
- celebrated patrick's birthday
- helped with the JPYM board
- visited Yanchep
- saw koalas
- played cricket
- celebrated Easter
- sent Jojo off to Hong Kong, Sweden & Finland
- attempted to play Canon in D
- attempted to play the Sugar Plum Fairy too!
- did IA assignment
- ate at Little Caesars
- taught my friend to play mahjong!
- played mahjong
- shared a Macca's dinner box
- bought easter eggs
- watched Clash of the Titans
- watched How to Train Your Dragon <3
- visited St. Mary's Cathedral
- had BBQ meatlovers pizza without any BBQ sauce
- had an awesome BBQ meatlovers pizza with tomato sauce, garlic and chilli flakes. Yuumm!
- had fries and nuggets in Murdoch Village
- set foot on Murdoch Uni campus for the first time!
- learnt about smoking shisha.. :p
- played games with Blast
- visited the Fernandezs
- had cheap chicken rice. Nice too :)
- had steak for dinner
- ate chilli mussels
- had a DnM conversation with _____.
- went to Kalamunda
- bought soap for my 2 silly flies to help them chase the cockroaches away (It's still with me :p)
- visited the Lesmurdie falls which were rather dry... :S
- a whole lot of other things which now slip my mind...

Chelsea won the match against Manchester United. But it don't bother me. In any case, I had a very very very wonderful break. Loads of time with the CV Crew of which, 60% are from my house... Lol... I just wished I had more time with the flies...

The one thing I've learnt through out this break is that it is so easy to put a smile on another person's face. When you do it not expecting anything in return, that smile that you see from them, will put another smile on your face too.

In case your wondering what I'm posting this so randomly, it's cos I failed to post it after I wrote it. :)

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