Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The 18th

Gonna be so busy from the 18th onwards. :)

Looking forward to all the awesome things that will be happening then - holidays, sleep-ins, sleep-overs, music, movies, shopping, etc etc... To top things off, we got a new oven. Hello baking! You can expect sweet treats if you (1) live within 50kms of my house, (2) know my number, (3) are willing to drive to my house and (4) can get me to open the door for you.

Chocolate tarts, muffins, brownies, cupcakes, creme patissiere tarts, cookies, cakes, pies, roasts, beef, pork, chicken yum!

Can't wait till the end of this silly exam. God knows why we have exams. Am hell annoyed with them and have absolutely no motivation to study for this exam. Did absolutley zero study today. Had 14 hours of sleep between yesterday's paper and Uni today. I did comtemplate not coming in today. Fortunately, dragging my lazy ass to Uni today wasn't the worst decision of my life. It was pretty enjoyable at Uni today. Have gotten zero studying but I guess it's just the way things are meant to be.

It's gonna be Murdoch again tonight. All by my lonely self but I will have bubble tea right by my side. I think.

Can't wait till the 18th! Partay partay here I come!

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