Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We all have those times whereby everything we do just doesn't seem right and everything we do just seems to be getting ourselves into trouble. Those days really suck and it's days like these that you really need an avenue to let your frustrations out.

I personally haven't found an effective way to let my stress and anger out. More often that not I find myself taking it out on the people around me in various forms. I don't necessarily scream at them but I bully them, order them around, ignore them, get restless, get snappy, etc. I just become mean. Yes, I will say that I am scary. At times. I fail to control it and everyone around me gets affected. It ain't the best thing to be bottling up your feelings but I just cannot really express the way I feel and what I'm experiencing face to face with people, particularly the negatives. I'd find it so hard to start a conversation with you. If anyone ever is really interested in what I'm feeling, talk to me face to face and ask me questions. Just flood me with questions and I will try my very best to answer your questions. But, only if I feel I can trust you.

Everyone has trust issues hey. So don't feel that you're the only one. I don't know what's with all the above but this is for you. I didn't know how to say it earlier on and I still can't really put what I wanna say in to words.
Don't feel that you're the only one with trust issues for you are not alone.
Don't feel pressured to conform to what the world wants of you for you are not the only one staying true to yourself.

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