Saturday, June 19, 2010


Freedom is sweet! It feels so good to be able to decide what I wanna do. Am already so sick and tired of my books dictating my life for the past 1 month. Don't matter if it's only temporary. It's probably because it's temporary that I appreciate it more. Freedom from exams that it.

Life is always gonna be a test of who we are, how we handle ourselves, how we deal with relationships, how we treat people, etc etc...

But for now, I wanna catch up with friends, family and sleep. How I've missed you guys. As it is, I've already had 2 dinners, 1 night out, 1 meeting, off to another night out followed by a picnic and god knows what else.. My whirlwind of events for the weekend. All slots booked right till Tuesday. Knowing me though, I can defo squeeze in more.

Loving the new found freedom!

1 comment:

  1. yes it feels sooooo great :)
    and getting occupied when you have all the time in the world definitely made it infinite times greater and more enjoyable!

    XO :D
