Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Experience

It's 10th June 7:14am. Two days after my best friend Brenda's birthday, 1 day after my first paper, 1 day before my second paper. So here I sit cross-legged on my favorite sofa in Murdoch Library, listening to Hero by Enrique Iglesias, feeling awake cos I've just had an approximately 1hr long nap and the sky outside is bright. I've just finished all the Lectopia for Investment Analysis and I can already tell that I am going to miss Robert Durand's silly jokes. They always manage to put a smile on my face and makes Lectopia so much more bearable.

3 more exams to go and here I sit among people approaching the second last day of their exams. My _____ all-nighter with Abby but I think the first time I'm alone with her. There's Maccas coffee on the table, Arnott's Milk Coffee biscuits and the guy behind me just fell forward and bumped his head on the table because he fell asleep sitting up. He's learnt his lesson and is now sleeping with his head on the table.

At 10.30pm, we had the second bubble tea for the week, 2.30am, had my umpteenth Maccas supper in like 2 months. It's a rare night without Yohaan. It really seems my life is boring, pathetic that I'm sitting in Uni this early in the morning, always the same old Maccas, bubble tea, hanging out with the same friends from another Uni and seemingly having no friends in my own Uni.

This is all so different from what I've been doing the past 3 semesters. It was always wake up early, sleep early, study hard during the day. This time its all different. The friends, the food, the environment, the laptop, the music, the jacket, the jeans, the pens, the water bottle, etc etc…

I miss the good times but I'd say this semester hasn't been too bad despite all my complaints. I don't really know what I'm driving at. I don't actually think this post has a specific purpose. I guess it's just me wanting to take in all that's happening and writing so I can look back in the future.

A shout out to all who've been company this exam break - Joel, Joyce, May, Abby, Yohaan, Hun Hao, Sharon, Jorine & Jungle Jewels. To everyone still having exams, all the best :) To all those done, I'm free on the 18th and I will see you guys then! Make plans and count me in for anything after 1pm :)

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