Monday, June 7, 2010

Dear Sharon

You have the exact thoughts I have... Cept I like 6/2009 better. Kinda cos 11/2008 I didnt really know you then. Lol...
I miss the routines, the friends, the warmth, the love. I basically miss the company and knowing that I'm not alone in this mess. I mean of course I'm not alone in this cos the entire Uni is in exam mode too but you get my drift I'm sure. Friends by your side when your dying and under pressure is just awesome. The times when studying was cool because it meant being able to hang out with your friends, have lunch, have fun, be motivated, etc etc...

A year and a half on, everything is different. Wait. It was just one year ago. Oh my gosshhhh! How things change in just one year. My world has grown bigger but I sure haven't forgotten any of you guys.

I was in Reid the other day, went to Uni to get books. Got there, saw no one, went to cafe, saw no one, sat down, recognized no one, went to all the flies blogs to get updates, saw that neither had been to Reid much, felt instantly depressed. And omg!! I missed Murdoch. :S Weridness! LOL.. Lost all study motivation until Hun Hao came. And then Jorine.

I wonder when those times will return. We will try to make something work out next semester. It's my last semester (hopefully). Uni is what you and your friends make it to be. Me miss you...

Love Tiffany :)

ps. This post started out as a comment on your blog. Then it got longer and longer and so I'm 'commenting' here.. Hehehe.. Me miss you!!!

1 comment:

  1. dear tiffany!! haha i'm in deep shit right now, so mayb i'll reply another day.. haha but i'm glad i'm not the only one missing everyone else. :D:D i do miss u much much!!! :( Loveeee.
