Thursday, December 29, 2011

One for You

Until we lose what we treasure, it is often quite hard for us to truly understand how much we treasure that particular thing. That particular thing this year happens to be you. I've never dedicated anything to you and I wonder if you'll ever read this but here goes, my thank you/love note to you.

You mean heaps much to me. More than I actually expected. We had a lousy goodbye when you left and I'm kinda bummed about it. After you left, I sometimes wondered if I would ever see you again. What if that was the last time I ever saw you and the last thing I said to you was I've gotta go cos I'm rushing for time. I'm glad I was able to give you a nice surprise though you did surprise me as well, unintentionally of course. I'm glad I got to spend those 2 days with you. When I next said goodbye to you, I honestly couldn't stop crying. In fact, I was crying even before I said goodbye to you. I cried when you said you wouldn't hug me and I cried again when you really didn't hug me. I cried again when you told me to go. I was sitting on the train, trying to control my tears. I did feel quite silly at times but I couldn't help it. The tears wouldn't stop flowing. When I finally managed to control myself, you called and asked me to turn back to say goodbye to you again. I told you that I was fine but the tears started again. 

I hope you're doing well in life and I hope you know that I'm always behind you even if you sometimes choose to do silly things that I disagree with. I don't know when I'll next see you but whenever it's possible we'll still talk on the phone. Time will fly by quite quickly and before you know it, I'll be picking you up from the airport and I'll get that hug that you owe me! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Little Things That Count

Introducing Ashley, my 8 year old sister and room mate who knows too much for her age and is hardly ever lost for words.

Ashley: You can sleep on the bed and I will sleep on the mattress and then we can talk. Yeeeeeee!!! ^^
Me: What are we going to talk about?
Ashley: Life.
Me: Do you have a life?
Ashley: Yea. I'm already living it.

If we could be this simply contented with our life! Sometimes it really is the simple things in life like friendships that matter most.

Our family was most recently blessed to have my mom's family come over and spend time with us. Along the way, we also celebrated my parents' 25th wedding anniversary and my graduation. Praise God for all of that! Even though the house was really crowded with 5 extra people living in it, it was just fun to have everyone together. A friend of ours offered to host some of our relations but they decided that they wanted to cosy up with us and would be happy sleeping anywhere. Immediately, we sacrificed our beds and quickly arranged new sleeping arrangements so that everyone would be comfortable.

It has been a long time since we had non-stop laughter and chatter in our place and instead of always retreating to our rooms after the dinner chores, everyone stayed out to do their work and be part of the chatter.

I had a call today from one of my best friends. He told me someone told him I was beaming throughout my whole graduation. I told him of course! Because I haven't had time to see my friends in ages and I loved being able to have their company again.

Even at work, what keeps me going are the funny conversations and the lovely people I get to meet.

Such are the little blessings and cheers in my life that make my day!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's easier to be alone because what if you learn that you need love and then you don't have it? What if you like it and lean on it? What if you shape your life around it and then it falls apart? Can you even survive that kind of pain? Losing love is like organ damage. It's like dying. The only difference is death ends. This? It could go on forever...

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Small Talk

Living in Australia has been somewhat fascinating, when it comes to conversations with strangers. My one very memorable encounter was with a guy on the 75 going to work. He wanted to know what time the bus would be arriving and from there we got talking about public transport efficiency and convenience. He told me about the times before the Mandurah line and how people had to catch a bus to the city. I told him I couldn't imagine not having the train. We got talking about Singapore's public transport, then to travel and etc. The bus came and it was just us two and the driver on the bus. He asked if he could sit next to me. I said sure and we continued our conversation of small talk.

My boss has been training me in this relationship building "small" talk. It really isn't easy but he tells me that it is very important because while it may seem like small talk at first, it really is you getting to know the other person. The conversation that you have that allows you to know the person on a more personal level and when you have that something personal to remember them by, you make the other person feel that you care. And while it may seem like small to you, it isn't small talk to the other person. They are sharing your life with you he tells me and it is a big thing because they are trusting you enough to open up to you.

It's most common to chat with the guy sitting next to you on the bus. While I'm comfortable doing that on some occasions and making polite conversation 90% of the time, I find small talk somewhat difficult to conduct. I like connecting with you on a deeper and more personal level that sometimes I forget it isn't the norm for everyone. When I get comfortable with you, I like to be personal with you and I hope too that you would be the same. That we'd get to know each other over sharing our lives. When it comes to complete strangers, I find it hard to so sincerely want to know everyone. When someone intrigues me, I'm great! I keep talking to you, asking you questions and getting to know you. But when it comes to having to engage EVERYONE, I go into shy mode.

Fingers crossed I get the hang of this relationship building small talk. After two months of small talk with Michael, I finally bonded with him and felt comfortable with him today. I hope to be a natural at it. People who are great at the small talk are really nice to talk to. They are great conversationalists and it really is a lot of fun talking to them.

Relationship building small talk quite effectively summarizes my first two weeks at work, especially in getting to know my colleagues, meeting people and potentials. From here on, it is on to bedtime to energize myself to be able to master the art of the small talk.

Good night :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A New Beginning

I am turning out to be a useful person, a significant contributor to the Australian Taxation Office, a booster of the Australian economy and a credit to Australian society.

I've just finished Week 1 as a working person, officially celebrated my first weekend as a working person by waking up and rushing to a lunch with friends on Saturday morning, and sleeping till the afternoon on Sunday. What a lovely celebration! I am definitely looking forward to Week 2 - Pay Week :D

Whatever it is, I'm really happy that I've landed myself a permanent full-time job :) 98% credit goes to Ate Lynn who was extremely essential in helping me secure this position. This job is definitely another blessing from God who has placed people in my life to help me get along with life.

While I dislike having only a 30 minute lunch break, working from 9am - 6pm, I'm really happy that I was offered the later shift because I am terrible at waking up in the morning. To add to my joy, I have my own office!!! Whoo hoo!!! And I work in a place that has its own cafe that sells good coffee, and cheap and good food and dessert.

It most definitely was the hardest thing to job hunt. Much harder than studying. I'd rather do a Math unit than job hunt (and I suck at Math). To all those out there who are still looking for a job, best of luck! It isn't easy but I hope you can keep up your efforts and be rewarded real soon.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Dear Owen...

How do you get more and more amazing each week? Each week I find myself falling in love with you more and more... Dear Owen, if I just lay here, would you lay with me and just forget the world? 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Son Victor

The other night, we were watching Letters and Numbers and the winner of the game was *drumroll* Victor! I told my Dad, with a name like that, he must be the victor. I know this joke is cheesy any corny but it's cute at the same time :)

Are names everything? If so, you should name your son Victor, so he victory can be his :p

Friday, May 6, 2011

If Time Is All I Have

A Musician's Love Song

When you wake up
Turn the radio on
And you'll hear this simple song

That I made up
That I made up for you

When you're driving
Turn the radio up
Cause I can't sing loud enough
Hard these days
To get my message through

If time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you

Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

When you marry
And you look around
I'll be somewhere in that crowd
Torn up, that it isn't me

When you're older
The memories fade
But I know I'll still feel the same
For as long as I live

But if time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you

Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

Won't you say my name, one time
Please just say my name

But if time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you
Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

If time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you

Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

Won't you say my name
When the song is over 

-James Blunt-

Let me...

Don't give up on yourself, let me help you. 
Will you be there? 
Yes, I will be there every step of the way. 

- Dr. Cristina Yang-

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Royal Kiss

So what if too much fuss was made about the Royal Wedding. It was beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, romantic, sweet, touching. And with the evolution of Disney movies, I could do with another fairytale! It also affirms my belief that dreaming is important and that fairytales do exist!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Things I need to get through the next month alive:

- an order of luck
- 2 good books to read (still looking for The Accountant's Story)
- a job
- new friends 
- a fast drive to de-stress
- 7 really really really good conversations! 
- to know where my life is heading

The possibilities of the future are infinite! As are the uncertainties. What we choose to focus on shows the type of people we are. Right now I'm trying not too plan out too much of my life. It seems like I've got my answer as to where I should be but I do not know what I am to do. I do like the freedom but I'll admit that however slack I may have been at Uni, that's all an illusion. I need work! I need things to do! I need reason, I need purpose, I need answers. 

I don't ask to be able to figure my whole life out. I ask only for some clues. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Music Making

Song that I can play - Beauty & the Beast
So with this song, a lady and her daughter and her husband came up to me and they wanted me to teach their daughter how to play the piano. And it was all because they heard me play this song. :)

Song that I want to be able to play

Chinese Combo No. 5


Hello, Welcome to Wong Way Kitchen. I take your order please? I highly recommend the Combo #5! (Ooh nice) Yeah! Combo 1,2, .. 3,4,5. Everybody loves Chinese steamed or fried, from the Chinese restaurant around the corner, so you say you want some won-ton soup, I'll bring your order. Roast duck is a special all-dish week, we fry it deep, be-cause our duck is cheap! You like Egg-Fu-Yon, diced chicken, chow wong and subgum. We are serving dim sum, all of it yum-yum.
So, what can I getcha, a really big order pork, we got the chopsticks, but please use a fork. Everything is fried, it's so good, like our dumplings. So, just give us a ring. A little beef and broccoli you got to try; A little mixed vegetables and white rice; A little sweet and sour is all you need; A little bit of salt - no MSG; A little bit of General Tso's chicken; A little bit of lo mein I can send; A little bit of Szechuan or Hunan; A little bit of moo goo gai pan !!


The song I'll have at my funeral

Friday, April 22, 2011

For All You've Done

Sometimes I get so preoccupied with my own hurts and troubles, I forget I’m not the only one battling these wars. I don’t think I’m very good at comforting people and perhaps that’s why people don’t trust me enough to tell me their problems or don’t feel compelled to want me to be there for them. They don’t know that I want to be there for them and I get angry when they don’t trust me enough to be there for them.

I’ve been helped out by a lot of people in my life and in my past 3 years here in Perth, I think I’ve met some of the most wonderful people who have been there for me. I love the way they try to comfort me and the way they reassure me telling me to have faith in myself. The way they love me and make me feel like the world! For each and every one of these people, I am truly grateful to you. I’m even more grateful to you when you let me give back and allow me to be there for you when you’re down.

Quite often I feel people do not understand me. I don’t seem to be able to successfully put my thoughts and feelings across in one fell swoop. I seem to beat around the bush. Maybe it’s my insecurities making me feel that I haven’t done enough or that people do not understand whom I am. It comes as a surprise to me when someone accurately describes my thoughts. I find it so hard to believe that sometimes, I reject what they say.

At a time where I know that people are struggling with their personal problems and I am now given an opportunity to be there for them, I just wanna say thank you. To all those who have been there for me, you know who you are, please claim your credit now. Thank you for listening to all I had to say, especially my endless, boring AND repeated rants. Thank you also for the advice you’ve given me, thank you for making an effort with me, knowing me and making me feel that I mattered. Thank you for making my world brighter :0) More importantly, thank you for giving me love and for teaching me to love others too.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Struggle To Trust

Perhaps the most important thing we ever need to learn is this: It is safe to love!

It is safe to love. Yes, it is safe to be vulnerable because we are in loving hands. It is safe to surrender because we fall into light, not darkness.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Promise

Day 23 - A Song I Could Play At My Wedding I Promise.

This has one of the most cliche and sweetest words for a wedding song and it checks many elements on my list. :p Not to mention, the video is cheeky too! I heart this lots :)


Graduation Preview
The beginning and end of most things new are always exciting. I'm the sort that believes in fairy tale happy endings and I therefore spend a ridiculous proportion of my time dreaming up fantasies. I'm not a creative writer and if I were to tell you my everyday daydream thoughts, you will see what a kid I am. I don't know why it is the way it is. I just take it as it is, fretting not.

I've finally arrived at the end of a stage in my life and I am most definitely ready to move on. I never thought I'd get this far in life and I am truly grateful and thankful for the opportunity I have. Uni has indeed been rather fun and exciting and I have met some of my most wonderful friends in my two and a half years here. How time flies. Once again, I look forward to graduating.

But before all that glamor, job-hunting, will occupy my life. Hopefully successfully. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy vs Sad

A song for when I'm happy :) This is an amazing rendition that I am sure will amaze you!

Then we have the times when we feel down and broken.


I am a big fan of perfumes and maybe sometime in the near future, I'll feature them. In any case, it's been a long time since I've bought a bottle of perfume simply because I already have too many and at present cannot finish using them. Perfumes are one of my indulgences! So it's always a joy to be able to buy a perfume, even if not for myself and in that shopping experience, it was my recent privilege to discover KATY PERRY!

If you don't already know it, Katy Perry has her own perfume. Yes. She joins the longest list of celebs with a perfume to their name. I too have my own perfume! *obviously jealous*

With only 15 minutes to spare before having to pick my brother up, I decide that I can make it and I walk into Myers. I walk two rounds and I'm like this is all very mind-boggling. I escape to Perfume Connections to look for Rihanna, which is amazing as well! The plan is to buy Rihanna for my friend but unfortunately, Rihanna has sold out in all Perfume Connections and nearly ALL MYERS?!?!?!?! The bizarre-ness which goes to show how good her new perfume is.

Because we are out of options, I turn to Marnie who is brilliant. She introduced me to a wonderful selection of sweet-ish perfumes. The first perfume she recommends as being similar to Rihanna is Katy Perry.

Purr by Katy Perry has opening notes of citrus, peach, apple and green bamboo that give it a fresh and sweet scent. Its support notes include a delicate bouquet of jasmine blossom, pink freesia and Bulgarian, balanced by vanilla orchid, white amber, creamy sandalwood and musk. You can probably already tell that Purr is rather girly, and targeted at a younger audience. It's design is a uniquely shaped, gorgeously rich purple colored bottle.

I spritzed this in the car last night without telling anyone and my friend goes "Oh! That's really nice!" There isn't much to hate about this scent unless you dislike sweet stuff or dislike vanilla. Purr WILL leave you feeling confident, gorgeous and sweet-smelling all day. I particularly recommend it for young females with a hidden feminine side. It's more of a scent for night time too. This will be subtle yet blatant display of your feminism without being overbearing. Its scent is not overpowering, is long-lasting and best of all, it's affordable. 

The bottle that I bought was only the second bottle sold by Myer @ Carousel which makes the birthday girl among the first in Perth to become a proud owner of this gorgeous perfume. Purr was not among my top 3 choices. After sampling about 12 other scents, and feeling very torn, I took a leap of faith and picked Katy Perry, and she hasn't let me down.

Katy Perry, you get my seal of approval. Now, to receive that complimentary bottle of Purr for amazing advertising.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Days 17 - 20

Day 17 - A song that I often hear on the radio and I love it!

Day 18 - A song that I wish I heard often on the radio. Most interestingly, this song was a pre-loaded song in my phone. You know, the list of stupid crappy songs, yes. I was positively surprised to hear this.

Day 19 - Song from my favorite album. Still gets me singing each and every time, One More Time!

Day 20 - When I'm angry, give me a fast car, let me go 180km/h, give me a long road with no traffic, take the cops away and leave me alone. Or you can consider giving me Escala.

Thanks for watching, reading, listening, learning :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Weather Report

Thursday, few showers, easing. Min 16 Max 21
Friday, mostly sunny. Min 9 Max 22
Saturday, partly cloudy. Min 8 Max 25
Sunday, few showers. Min 13 Max 24
Monday, few morning showers. Min 12 Max 23
Tuesday, mostly sunny. Min 13 Max 24

Is this to be Perth's big break? The weather outlook for Perth for the upcoming week looks good! Now if the weather would just hold up its end of the bargain.

Side note, 30 Day Song Challenge will be back tomorrow!

Monday, April 4, 2011

It was an...

Day 16 - I used to love this song when I was a kid cos I thought it was cute. Now, it's just meh... Hate is too strong a word but you'd never find this in my iPod.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tiffany's Rhapsody

I thought long and hard about picking a song that'd describe me. I ran through nearly a hundred songs, evaluating their lyrics, thinking about the possible significances, suggestions and implied meanings behind the songs, trying to pick a song that describes me as best as possible. The song that came out triumphant leaves a great deal for imagination. I'm curious to know what you get out of this so if you can, leave a comment on who you think I am based on this song.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


This is a rather old song and definitely a song no one would expect me to like. I have no idea what the song means but it just sounds nice.

Sandy Lam presents you Day 14.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 13 - A Song That Is A....

Guilty pleasure???? Pfffttt!! What is this guilty pleasure nonsense? Everyone should be entitled to like whatever song they like without having to feel guilty, even if it's High School Musical, cos We're All in This Together :D

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Song From A Band That I Hate

It don't really know what band I hate. People that sing too fast. I don't really like them. :p People that sing too slowly, don't really like them either. In any case, here's a band that I do sorta hate >>> Iron Maiden. Curse me not please... :( I can't help it. I just never caught on. And since I don't really like the band, I don't really want their song ruining my blog. SO I'm gonna skip putting the video up but here's the link.

Your Move

We meet new people all the time, get new things all the time, and it really is hard to hold on to everything. This sounds ironic because just a couple posts back, I talked about hard it is to let go. Now I'm talking about how hard it is to hold on. Seems like I'm finding it hard to do everything! Worry not cos it's not true.

I had two very unexpected conversations with two very important people in my life. The first person, I hadn't talked to her in about 2 days. The other person, I hadn't talked to him in about 2 YEARS?!?! OMG! What do you say to someone who has been absent for 2 years? A lot of "How are you"s. I did just that and so did he.

The calls just made me think about Friendships. How often are we friends that bring joy to our friends? Do we make an effort to maintain our friendships or do we rely on others to keep the fire burning? Or what if try as hard as we may, our efforts do not yield results because we just cannot seem to get along with the people but we still wanna maintain that friendship? Complicated. Makes me think a lot about the friendships I have. I've given up on some, wanna give up on some and want so much to hold on to others.

I'd love to ask of my friends for trust, love and respect and say in return you'll get the same. But reality is that we cannot dictate who others are without causing negative consequences. When I wonder what goes on in the lives of my friends, it creates a yearning to get to know them more. I believe that a relationship can only grow if you give it your time. If you're not spending any time with the other person, how then do you expect to become closer, better friends?

Perhaps I am obsessed with the notion of friendship and not with actually having any friends. Maybe I like being fussed about, maybe I like being centre of attention, or maybe I just want to seem better than others or maybe I just don't want to be alone. Perhaps all I ask is for an opportunity to care about you.

It isn't easy to find out someone's double-crossed you and it isn't easy to find out you've been betrayed or abandoned by your best friend. But at the end of the day, do we go back to the dictionary to define those words? No! Those words are defined by our own expectations, our own experiences, our own mind. We label our experiences based on what we think they could be, what we want them to be and occasionally what others want them to be.

I complain a lot about what others do to me. I complain that people forget me, disrespect me, ignore me, are rude to me, complacent in our friendship, etc etc. And when I reflect, I see that the names of the experiences are labels given to me. Not once is it because my friend calls to say "Hey! I've decided to disrespect you. That thing I said earlier, that was spite. Bye!" No one tells us how to deal with difficult friendships. You just get given two very broad options - terminate or continue.

It's going to be hard to lower your pride but if we want something done, we have to be a little less self-centered and be willing to put in more than our fair share of effort. Your efforts may come to nothing. You may never receive the respect, trust or love that you so desire and you may feel bitter. But for fear of that failure, will you risk not trying and sacrificing the joy and satisfaction when you get the love, trust and
respect from someone who truly treasures you? Your efforts could mean everything. You must probably be waiting for the other person to make the first move. Somehow, so is the other person, waiting for YOU to make that first move.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A band that I love has definitely got to be Westlife!! I'm a sucker for ballads, pop, slow songs, good (sometimes cheesy lyrics). And they look good too!!!! If I had to choose, I'd go to a Westlife concert.

Day 11 - a song from a band that you love. I heart Westlife's Queen Of My Heart :)

Evacuating London

Letting go is never easy especially when you have to let go of someone or something or both at the same time. Letting go hurts.

I cannot decide if I'm annoyed with myself for not letting you go or if I'm annoyed with you for letting me go. Whatever it is, things were not meant to turn out this way. Not in my plan at least... People change. You've changed, I've changed, times have changed but I still find myself getting distressed over you. :s

Let times keep changing and let me change even more. You go ahead and change all you need to. I'd love to say I don't care about what you do anymore but fact remains I do. I worry about what will happen next. In any case, I really cannot afford to spend too much time losing sleep worrying about you. Not when what I need most now is sleep..

Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep. Intense but relaxing. Sorta. Kinda what I need now and thankfully already have on repeat...

Good night sleep tight world :)


Day 9

24 hours later, I'm feeling so much better. Not good enough to dance, but much better. That being said, if it was necessary, play me this, and I wouldn't be able to resist putting my hands up to Blame It On The Boogie!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Colors of the Wind

Week 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge... 

Advice to self (if I ever attempt this again): Pre-choose all 30 songs. 

Day 8: A song you know all the words to... So MANY!!!!! Nearly everything Disney but here goes, from one of my favorite Disney movies.. Pocahontas :) 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Together We Are One Family

Events, events, events...

Fun Fact: 2006 was the first time my entire family travelled on a plane together. Apart from the other time when I was an only child. As a family, we cam to Perth!!! In that short time that we were here, we must have heard "Advance Australia Fair" like 100 times!! For all the gold medals Australia won in the commonwealth games. 

Together We Are One is a good remembrance of our holiday :) 

Saturday, March 26, 2011


ENFJ: "Pedagogue" make outstanding group leaders. They try hard to help others be the best that they can be. They make up 5% of the total population. An ENJF's idealism can sometimes be the cause of distress when their assumptions are unable to weather the winds of reality.

Possible ENFJ careers include:
recreation director
housing director
career counselor
sales trainer
travel agent
program designer
corporate/team trainer
child welfare worker
social worker (
occupational therapist
executive: small business
alcohol/drug counselor
sales manager

ENFP: "Journalist"are people who love novelty and surprises. They are big on emotions and expression. Life is an exciting drama. They are good at sales, advertising, politics, and acting. About 5% of people are ENFPs.

ENFPs have a tendency to overextend themselves in both their physical and emotional commitments. Their charming personalities can show signs of irritability and over-sensitivity when their desires to please different people come into conflict. During times of stress, ENFPs feel alienated.

Possible ENFP careers include:
conference planner
speech pathologist
HR development trainer
career counselor
housing director
human resource manager
advertising account manager
speech pathologist
massage therapist
editor/art director

Personality tests are my new best friends. Job hunting is stressful especially when people are constantly asking you if you've found a job. When you say no, their next question is usually how come? Like I'd know... But in any case, these personality tests have given me a reason to persevere in job hunting! :)

Friday, March 25, 2011


If you don't already know, I'm a Singaporean currently living in Australia and it has been the case for the last 3 years. I decided to pick a song that made me think of Singapore. I struggled long and hard to think of a song that would remind me of a place. I tossed between picking High by The Lighthouse Family and Bad Boys by Alexandra Burke, both of which were songs that accompanied me on my most recent trip to Singapore. But as I started typing out this post, I stopped to think if either song really was the best thing I could pick to remind me of the country I grew up in. :S

I'm not the biggest fan of Singapore but I am a big fan of this song and it reminds me of the country I grew up in. :)

One Way

This song not only reminds me of someone. It reminds me of a whole big part of my life!!! The fun we shared in the service we gave, Youth Camps,  ILCs, conferences, Music Min, the friendships that I made along the way... The memories are unforgettable. Who could forget this awesome song that we played over and over again... Till we achieved perfection!!!

Dedication to all my FTW & YFC friends! And special shout-out to my assorted band mates Clare, Anna, Jon Goh, Dave, Kuya Fredney, Jon Cheong, Pat, Edmar, Isaac, Aika, Miles, Marwin, Kuya Joseph, etc etc! I miss all of you!!! Much loves to all of you!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why Sad?

Here goes again... Day 4 of the 30 Day Song Challenge.

I started out this challenge because
1. I love putting songs on my blog and what a better way to share songs than through a theme,
2. I really wanted to share some of the days.
But on days like today, Day 4, I wonder why I even bothered to do this. It was hard picking a song that makes me sad.

I remember walking by a huge lake just as the sun was nearly done setting. The sky with just that glimmer of remaining light and this song playing on my iPod, I couldn't help but feel extreme sadness. Somewhere Only We Know by Keane is my sad song for the challenge. The movie, the lyrics, the tune, the time it came out, the places I took this song to, this song has many memories that I wanna relive.
Keane has beautiful songs and here's Somewhere Only We Know. The music video's incomplete but it's nevertheless still wonderful.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 3 - A Song That Makes Me Happy

Essentially, a song that would make me happy is actually any song that reminds of the people I love and love spending time with. Picking this song is cheating a little, because it really is actually two songs in one, and it two songs that I really love. But I think what's more important is that I feel happy when I hear this song and I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Life has changed a lot in the last one year and this song reminds me of my flies.

I dedicate especially, this song, to all my flies Jorine aka Housefly, ChenYi aka Dragonfly, Sharon aka Butterfly and Celia aka Fruitfly, for all the good times and the laughter we shared.

With much love, Tiffany aka Firefly *mwah*

Monday, March 21, 2011

Who No Speak Americano?

Day 2 of the 30 Day Song Challenge presents my least favorite song.

We No Speak Americano = one of my least favorite songs. The song's no way as good as the people featured in this video. For Yolanda Be Cool, I hope you like this song more than I do.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Favorite Song

Probably nearly everyone uses YouTube to complete their 30 Day Challenge so here goes! The start of my 30 Day Song Challenge.

I present to you, Day 1, with a little twist. Enjoy my favorite song in one of my favorite scenes from one of my all time favorite TV-series.

Chasing Cars in Grey's Anatomy.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Late Night Dreams

It's late and I'm tempted to quit. I'm tired of waiting. Damn you job hunting! I wanna begin something else.

Like this!!!

Thank you Aldy :) 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What A Wonderful World

With all that's been happening in this world, the natural disasters, the loss of lives of both old and young, one cannot help but wonder if the world is going to come to end. Then I see people fighting for freedom, the political unrests in the Middle East, the Iraq war and I wonder what this world is coming to.

But then,
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you.
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue, clouds of white
The bright blessed days, the dark sacred nights
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of the people going by
I see friends shaking hands, saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world

I live in.

Monday, March 14, 2011

For A Better World

You cannot help but wonder what's with all the natural disasters around the world. Just the other day, the entire Pacific region received a tsunami warning. I remember 2004 was the first time I'd heard of a tsunami. I watched the waves on television in shock, horror and awe.

This time round, I listen with pain to the various news of disasters affecting the global world in my safe haven of Western Australia. I think I am truly blessed that the area in which I'm living in has not devastation.

I remember receiving a cyclone warning while I was away from my family. I awaited the cyclone with excitement actually. To my slight disappointment, the cyclone left Perth as it was. Then I awaited the hailstorm, hoping for a little excitement. I think looking back to the hailstorm previously, how I worried for my friends, anxiously trying to reach people to find out if they were okay, maybe what I'm looking forward to is not a natural disaster but to once again feel that love and care that radiated from everyone. The commitment and the steadfastness, the unity to help the less fortunate.

Perhaps this is what the disasters are all about - the floods, the cyclones, the earthquakes, the bushfires, the tsunamis, the disasters in the Pacific region amid all the political unrests in the Middle East - it's about once again getting us to care about people. To care about more than our own advances.

To remember that we cannot actually control what happens. Look at Japan, they'd received their tsunami warning but there was nothing they could do to stop the tsunami. They too knew that anytime, their nuclear plants would just blow. I believe God, and your God if you do not believe in my God, is telling that He alone has power over us and if we do not stop, repent and change our sinful ways, there will be no need for us to do anything more. The world will come to an end.

I pray to find it my heart, strength, determination, courage and faith to resist temptation and change my ways for the Lord. I pray for you that you continue to stay on the path of righteousness. For us as a world, I pray that this adversity unites and makes us better people.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

To Japan, With Love

As I worry about invisible lines, finding a good job, buying a nice car, saving enough money to visit Europe, I think about how Japan mourns the lost of lives, talents, opportunity and beauty to earthquakes, tsunamis. Now they face nuclear threats.

It's in times like these, I stop and think about my life, running through my list of achievements and my to-do list. In times like these, I want to be with the people I love. Living away from most of my family, I want to protect you the ones who occupy my life.

For my family, I pray for your health, your safety. I pray that we will be able to see each other once again. I miss all of you.

Especially for you Yeh Yeh, I pray that your health allows you to once again return to my home, that I may give you even just one more kiss, that you may kiss me even just once more, that I can hold your hand again and give you that one more hug and tell you I love you. To have that one more moment with you.

For Japan, I pray for you with all of my heart.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You Are My Passion

My strength in life, is I am Yours.
My soul delights because I am Yours.
You are my heart's desire.

Friday, January 28, 2011

i Smiled :)

It takes 7 seconds for food to pass from mouth to stomach. A human hair can hold 3kg. The length of a penis is 3 times the length of the thumb. The femur is as hard as concrete. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. Women blink 2x as much as men. We use 300 muscles to keep our balance when we stand. The woman has read this entire text. The man is still looking at his thumb. Re-post if this made you smile :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Job Hunting

There come times when we all wonder if what we are doing is the right thing. Will you really gain more by putting yourself out there? How big a sacrifice do you have to make when you do so? It can be so intimidating sometimes, job hunting.

I'm hoping for the best, trusting that all will be well, taking that leap of faith. I'm job hunting, choosing not to pursue a Masters which I know will guarantee me a job. I'm choosing to stay on in Perth believing that everything will be taken care of in due time.

It's probably when I am furthest away from my comfort zone that achievements mean the most. Or when although rejection is possible, you get acceptance :)

Btw, to whoever sees me, please motivate me to job hunt. Thank you :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Love's confusing joy. Definitely a contributing factor to being awake at 5.30am.

The other? Trying to figure why young love is full or promise, full of hope and ignorant of reality.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Random Return

So......... Blog hiatus yes...

I've been meaning to blog but there have just been too many things going on and distracting me from writings of many sorts. One of which are job applications. I am in real need of a proper job. I blogged in my head!! In case you're thinking that I'm lazy.

A proper update is definitely in order. Tonight's my night to relax. It's ever so rarely that the wind blows so cool at this hour in this summer. So I'm gonna some time off to enjoy it and I will see you soon :)

Oh yes!!! Hello 2011 :)